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Auditory processing disorder (APD) affects the way the brain processes sound. Assistive technology tools can help persons with APD: noise-cancelling headphones block distracting background noises and audio recorders can record classes so they can be heard many times.

Stories don't have to be experienced only through printed words in a book. Stories can be created and shared in many ways: through tactile books, songs, performances, videos, audiobooks, e-books, and more. Different modes like these ensure that people of all abilities and ages can enjoy stories!

Braille is a system of raised dots that enable people who are blind or have low vision to read and write. Persons with visual impairments read braille through touch. Braille can either be read on embossed paper or through refreshable braille displays that connect to computers.

Learning disabilities refer to a range of learning problems that can affect a person’s ability to read, write, or calculate. Some people have a single learning problem while other persons may have multiple learning disabilities that overlap. Special educators support students and their parents by teaching them specific strategies.


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Dyslexia is a learning disorder that impacts the person’s ability to read, write, and spell. Working with a special educator can help children with dyslexia learn how to read more easily. Read ‘Books are Magical’ to learn more about Bilal’s journey with dyslexia!

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